Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Dutch box swap!

Hey all!


How is your weekend going? Mine is alright. Got a visitor today how brought me the box from a swap i joined here in the netherlands. It’s called the box. The swap starts with basic crochet or knitting goodies and goes from person to person, the person how has the box takes things out the box they like but then they put the same amount of items (or more in my case LOL) back in the box and send it on to the next person.


And believe me it’s a BIG box! Almost 10 kilo’s!


Here are the goodies i got out of the box for myself.


Picture 042


Very happy with everything  and already put new items in the box and shipping it to the next person tomorrow.


Don’t you just love surprises? I do!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Where does time go?

Hey everybody,


Do ever wonder where time has gone? Man days, weeks, months are going by so quickly these days sometimes it’s hard to keep track of everything!


So today i sat down and took pictures of all the projects i’m working on


90% done, dormouse in teapot.


So fun to make and my FIRST knitting project! Not the best but cute. Have to finish embroidering the flowers on the pot and them she’s done!


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So i also started on the second and third project, a Siamese kitty (for my hubby) and lady mouse pattern from alan dart.


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Knitting is FUN! I never thought i would be able to learn it but it did! Thanks to youtube and some great books i did it. I can’t knit in the round but maybe that’s something to learn for the winter ;)


Anyways i’m also a lot in our garden, it’s blooming all over, my hubby takes good care of all our plants, he’s the best in gardening! Even plants that die in his mothers garden bloom wonderful in ours!


Picture 036Jup small garden, but wait a few years when my hubby also have a good paying job and we are out of here, moving to new home with a BIG garden for my hubby to play in ;)


And of course i have to end this post with our cute cat Oscar, i’m so happy we bought him last September for my birthday, i can’t go a day without him!


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Have a great weekend!!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

What's going on?

Hey everybody,

Do you know that feeling that things have to change in your live? Well i have that feeling at the moment, i'm cleaning the house throwing and selling everything i don't need and i love how much space we have! We bought some big plastic containers for all my yarn and crafting supplies. The room that was once our storage room is now cleaned out and is my craft room! Do you believe that my own craft room, my hubby made me so happy!

Anyways i haven't posted in a few weeks because our cat (minou) had some major epileptic attacks that scared the hell out of me! She's only 3 years old and i don't want to lose here to something like that. we found out that attacks are triggered when something happens that normally wouldn't (like a glass shattering or a the mail man drops something big on our mailbox) so we are extra careful now because the vet told us that they do affect here brain every time she has a attack.

Anyways i'm going to post new photo's today going to enjoy the nice weather first!