Thursday, May 20, 2010

New job

Hey everybody,


I started my new job last week, still have to get used to everybody and getting to know everybody. I do have a lot of fun and it’s so much more relaxed then my old job!


So because of this crafts are a little bit on the back burner not completely of course, started on the fabulous big daddy pattern from Nerdigurumi, and best of all the pattern is completely free! AND she’s going to add the little sister to here site soon so you can complete the set!


I finished the head and almost the body


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The pattern is easy to follow but so many pieces! So this will be a long term project but i love working on it when i’m watching my hubby doing xbox 360 games!


I also started my very first knitting project, i found a super pattern designer named Alan Dart, the most amazing knitting patterns with 2 needles. I never made any toys for knitting because almost all of them use double pointed needles, and i can’t work with those! So i got on ebay and bought myself a dormouse pattern from the alice in wonderland set.


I started on the thee post part and as you can see there are some mistakes but bare with me it’s my first knitting project.


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So i’m proud i got this far! I want to finished to pot part this week and the mouse the next.


Anyways i will keep you all updated how things go with work!


Wendy said...

ik vind het al best wel op Barbapapa lijken............

iets gaat er niet goed, jouw blog komt niet automatisch ´omhoog` in mijn blogroll, dus ik ga hem even opnieuw plaatsen

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